builds modern steel buildings for the trade, for industry, and for the community in Germany and Europe. HAB develops special steel constructions for tourist infrastructure. Whether it is submerging gondolas, panorama towers or 5Dsimulation platforms, HAB builds powerful visitor attractions that offer extraordinary experiences. With 60 years of experience in building constructions with highly qualified engineers, and in close cooperation with well-known research institutions, HAB lives up to meeting technically formidable challenges.
“If we had had any idea of what changes would happen with us and our team by becoming a Vision-led Organization, we would have made the decision to take this step much earlier.”
The clarity and the commitment to create goals for our own good and the good of the company and to pursue them in a wholly solution-oriented way as a team, was one of the essential keys to our amazing success.
We continue our close association with the DR. WARSCHAWSKI team, and we are eternally grateful to them. Through them we learned not only new ways of thinking and the importance of appreciation of people, but also to divest ourselves of mediocrity and live excellence in the professional and the family realm.”
Kathrin Pörsch and Andreas Pörsch
Owners and CEO of HAB Hallen- und Anlagenbau GmbH