We inspire and enable individuals to live in excellence and to reach their highest goals in every area of their lives. Since 1986, we have helped thousands of people achieve extraordinary results in their lives through our seminars, consulting, coaching, and psychotherapy. We make it possible for you to reach your goals based on scientific findings and the understanding that you are able to shape your own thoughts in such a way that they lead you to your desired goal. The ability to continuously access and own the way you think is the position of excellence. We help you get there.
To create lasting success on the highest level in your personal life and your professional life, all thoughts and actions must be based on these three values: Freedom, Responsibility, and Ethics.
We help you change your thinking in the domain of these Key Values so that impediments turn into possibility, wishes into goals, and your life plan into lasting success.
We base our work on the latest state of knowledge in the fields of psychology, neurobiology, brain research, sociology, economy, and management. We use the most efficient methods of problem solving, based on Contextual Thinking, Constructivism, the principles of Positive Psychology, and Contextual Therapy.
It is less about adding new knowledge or ability - it is more about letting go. Letting go of assumptions and habits that are not productive and that keep you from leading exactly that life which you would like the most. Goals that spring from your innermost desire endow you with strength and courage; they nourish your self-esteem and unleash powerful energy for further achievement.
"We are primarily dedicated to the usefulness and the practical applicability of this knowledge, as Goethe said, “It is not enough to know, one also has to apply it, it is not enough to want, one also has to do it.“
Seminar Speaker, Consultant for Vision-led Organizations, Contextual Coach, Contextual Psychotherapist, Keynote Speaker
Co-founder of DR. WARSCHAWSKI, LLC, Concept Creator, Editor, PR consultant, co-leader of top management seminars
"Dr. Warschawski is the Pavarotti of speakers. He is exciting and enthusiastic from the first to the last minute."
Heinz Wittmann, CEO, Saturn Electronics Trading Company, Germany
"Surpassing Your Limits is doubtless the seminar that had the greatest impact on my work. Dr. Warschawski puts the tools for success in your hands. This is the seminar to take"
Erich Stamminger, ret. Member of the Advisory Board Global Brands, adidas
"Whoever wants to lead a team, first has to learn how to lead himself! In his seminars, Dr. Warschawski gets to the point and hits it succinctly: A successful organization is a Vision-led Organization, where both the leaders and the employees take responsibility and work together to achieve the goals. If you want to expand your horizon, you need to see and hear Dr. Warschawski."
Daniela Niederstätter, Director of Human Resources, Niederstätter AG, Bozen, Italy
"Your seminar ˆSurpassing Your Limits” revealed new dimensions and opened up new paths and possibilities.
I hope you will be able to continue to help many people surpass their limits.
Again, I want to thank you for your inspiration."
Chris Götz, CEO, WERK 3 Advertising Agency GmbH, Rostock, Germany
"It is wonderful to recognize myself in many parts of the testimonials and in your documentary movie. It reconfirms how helpful and important it was to me to attend your seminars and how the contents accompany me daily and inspire me again and again. Thank you for your support!"
Franziska Knechtenhofer, CEO, intermedio, Zürich, Switzerland
"My wife Renate, my daughter Nicole, as well as I have discovered our personal Vision in Prof. Peter Warschawski’s seminars. It is the basis for a successful life.
That’s how we were able to quite quickly turn our Schindlerhof into a Vision-Led Organization. The many prizes we won encouraged us and confirmed that we were on the right track. The latest prize on a long list we just received in March 2018: “Great Place to Work” – “Germany’s Best Employer” in the category of up to 100 employees.
In a Vision-Led company there is clarity about everything you want to achieve, as well as clarity about how you want to and are able to achieve it. As the saying goes, “Coincidence favors the prepared mind!”
The seminars Surpassing Your Limits and Lead with Elegance, not Struggle, as well as his other seminars, are all geared to enable you to uncover your Vision and consequently lead your company according to your Vision. Without any Ifs and Buts!"
Klaus Kobjoll, Founder, CEO, Speaker, Schindlerhof and Glow and Tingle, Nürnberg-Boxdorf, Germany, www.schindlerhof.de, kobjoll.tim99.de